
The Weights - Sets Node displays the Weighting Factors for each experimental variable. Weighting Factors may be entered automatic or manually. For more information see Weights Node.

Tabbed Views


Tabbed Views

Total Moles

Total Mass

Phase Name

Total Moles

This grid displays the list of sets, their data points and the components that have been selected in Weights → Reconciled Measurements - Total Moles column in the Weights Node. It is organized in columns as below:
  • Include column is used to include the Data Point in the Estimation. You may include a Data Point by clicking in the corresponding check box. By default, every Data Point is included. If a given Data Point is not included it will not be considered in the Estimation.
  • Set column displays all the sets in the Project.
  • Data Point column displays the Data Points of each Set. At least one Data Point must be included.
  • Measurement(s) columns are where the weights values are stored. The default value for them is zero, and they can be loaded manually or automatically, as indicated in Weights Node → AutoGenerate Options

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Total Mass

The tab is shown when Mass Density is selected as units of concentration in the Units Configuration node and behaves similar to the Total Moles tab.

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Phase Name

The Phase Name tabs are used to enter weights for all the variables that have been selected as reconciled in each phase in the Measurements node. It is organized almost identically to the Total Moles tab.

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Modify Values

Quick Run

Open Solver

Modify Values

Use this action to set all weights for the selected variables to a custom value or to multiply the original weights by a factor.
The modification will be performed only for the tab you are in.

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See Also: